Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's like this, you see....

She asked me to come see her. She performs, you see. On stage. As an actress/dancer. So of course I said yes. I went over early. So we could be together for a bit before she went on. That did not work so well. She had to prepare you see. So the little time we did have (between make-up, hair- dressing, etc) was spent finding conversation that was "safe." The things we are able to speak of freely number very few. The topics we need to address the most are numbered greatly. But, as you can guess, these topics are more.... private. Don't worry, these topics are "safe" but also private. A matter of "you are the one to whom I confess my deepest fears and greatest dreams." I wish that I might be available more often to her. But.... We have parents, you see. And in so very many ways, parents are the greatest gift that God has given us. And yet.... In so very many ways.... Parents are the harshest punishment a person can endure.

In her eyes I can see the pain and in her letters I can hear the hurt.
In my arms I can feel her crying.
In her blood, I feel the pain.

And in my heart....

I scream.

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